# File systems and IPFS

Working with files in IPFS can be a little different than you're used to for several various reasons:

  • Content addressing means that when files change, the content identifier (CID) of those files changes too.
  • Files may be too big to fit in a single block, so IPFS splits the data into multiple blocks and uses metadata to link it all together.

MFS and UnixFS can help you address these new ways of thinking of files.


If you're interested in how MFS and UnixFS play into how IPFS works with files in general, check out this video from IPFS Camp 2019! Core Course: How IPFS Deals With Files (opens new window)

# Mutable File System (MFS)

Because files in IPFS are content-addressed and immutable, they can be complicated to edit. Mutable File System (MFS) is a tool built into IPFS that lets you treat files like you would a regular name-based filesystem — you can add, remove, move, and edit MFS files and have all the work of updating links and hashes taken care of for you.

# Working with files API

MFS is accessed through the files commands in the IPFS CLI and API. The commands on the files API take the format of ipfs.files.someMethod(). These methods are used to:

# Create a directory

The MFS method ipfs.files.mkdir creates a new directory at a specified path. For example, to add a directory example to our root directory (/), run:

await ipfs.files.mkdir('/example')

If you want to create a new directory nested under others that don't yet exist, you need to explicitly set the value of parents to true, like so:

await ipfs.files.mkdir('/my/directory/example', { parents: true })

# Check directory status

The method, ipfs.files.stat enables you to check the status of a file or directory on your IPFS node. To check the status of a directory called example located within the root directory, you could call the method by running:

await ipfs.files.stat('/example')

This method returns an object with a cid, size, cumulativeSize, type, blocks, withLocality, local, and sizeLocal.

// {
//   hash: CID('QmXmJBmnYqXVuicUfn9uDCC8kxCEEzQpsAbeq1iJvLAmVs'),
//   size: 60,
//   cumulativeSize: 118,
//   blocks: 1,
//   type: 'directory'
// }

If you add, move, copy, or remove a file into a directory, the hash of that directory will change with every file modified.

# Add a file to MFS

To add a file to IPFS, use the MFS ipfs.files.write method using the command:

await ipfs.files.write(path, content, [options])


This method can create a brand new file that accepts file content in multiple formats, in a specified path within the IPFS instance by providing the boolean option {create: true }.

To add a file object called examplePic to the root directory you could run:

await ipfs.files.write('/example.jpg', examplePic, { create: true })

This method does not provide a return value.

# View contents of a directory

To check whether the ipfs.files.write method has worked as expected, use the ipfs.files.ls method to inspect directories on the MFS by running:

await ipfs.files.ls([path], [options])

The method will default to listing the contents of your directory (/), or you can choose to specify a specific path you'd like to inspect:

await ipfs.files.ls('/example')

This method produces an array of objects for each file or directory with properties such as name, type, size, cid, mode, and mtime. If you wanted to inspect the contents of a /example directory, run:

await ipfs.files.ls('/example')

# Copy a file or directory

In the Mutable File System, like traditional systems, you can copy a file or directory to a new location while also leaving it intact at its source.

You can do this by using the method:

await ipfs.files.cp(...from, to, [options])


This method offers two formatting options for passing the from key:

  • an existing MFS path to a file or a directory in your node (e.g. /my-example-dir/my-example-file.txt)
  • an IPFS path to a file or directory hosted either by you or by a peer (e.g. /ipfs/QmWc7U4qGeRAEgtsyVyeW2CRVbkHW31nb24jFyks7eA2mF)

The to key is the destination path in MFS, and there's an option {create: true } that can be used to create parent directories that don't already exist.

You can use this method to perform different operations including:

// copy a single file into a directory
await ipfs.files.cp('/example-file.txt', '/destination-directory')
await ipfs.files.cp('/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks', '/destination-directory')

// copy multiple files into a directory
await ipfs.files.cp('/example-file-1.txt', '/example-file-2.txt', '/destination-directory')
await ipfs.files.cp('/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks',
 '/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3jk7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyre', '/destination-directory')

// copy a directory into another directory
await ipfs.files.cp('/source-directory', '/destination-directory')
await ipfs.files.cp('/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks', '/destination-directory')

# Move a file or directory

MFS allows you to move files between directories using the ipfs.files.mv, which looks like this:

await ipfs.files.mv(from, to, [options])

from is the source path (or paths) of the content you'd like to move, while to is the destination path.

You can use this method to perform different operations including:

// move a single file into a directory
await ipfs.files.mv('/example-file.txt', '/destination-directory')

// move a directory into another directory
await ipfs.files.mv('/source-directory', '/destination-directory')

// overwrite the contents of a destination file with the contents of a source file
await ipfs.files.mv('/source-file.txt', '/destination-file.txt')

// move multiple files into a directory
await ipfs.files.mv('/example-file-1.txt', '/example-file-2.txt', '/example-file-3.txt', '/destination-directory')

# Read the contents of a file

The ipfs.files.read method allows you to read and, or display the contents of a file in a buffer. The method takes the format:

ipfs.files.read(path, [options])

The path provided is the path of the file to read, and it must point to a file rather than a directory.

# Remove a file or directory

MFS allows you to remove files or directories using the method:

await ipfs.files.rm(...paths, [options])

paths are one or more paths to remove.

By default, if you attempt to remove a directory that still has contents, the request will fail. To remove a directory and everything contained in it, you'll need to use the option recursive: true.

// remove a file
await ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/file.txt')

// remove multiple files
await ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/file.txt', '/my/other/file.txt')

// remove a directory and its contents
await ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/directory', { recursive: true })

// remove a directory only if it is empty
await ipfs.files.rm('/my/beautiful/directory')

# Unix File System (UnixFS)

When you add a file to IPFS, it might be too big to fit in a single block, so it needs metadata to link all its blocks together. UnixFS is a protocol-buffers (opens new window)-based format for describing files, directories, and symlinks in IPFS. This data format is used to represent files and all their links and metadata in IPFS. UnixFS creates a block (or a tree of blocks) of linked objects.

UnixFS currently has Javascript (opens new window) and Go (opens new window) implementations. These implementations have modules written in to run different functions:

  • Data Formats: manage the serialization/deserialization of UnixFS objects to protocol buffers

  • Importer: Build DAGs from files and directories

  • Exporter: Export DAGs

# Data Formats

On UnixFS-v1 the data format is represented by this protobuf:

message Data {
    enum DataType {
        Raw = 0;
        Directory = 1;
        File = 2;
        Metadata = 3;
        Symlink = 4;
        HAMTShard = 5;

    required DataType Type = 1;
    optional bytes Data = 2;
    optional uint64 filesize = 3;
    repeated uint64 blocksizes = 4;
    optional uint64 hashType = 5;
    optional uint64 fanout = 6;
    optional uint32 mode = 7;
    optional UnixTime mtime = 8;

message Metadata {
    optional string MimeType = 1;

message UnixTime {
    required int64 Seconds = 1;
    optional fixed32 FractionalNanoseconds = 2;

This Data object is used for all non-leaf nodes in Unixfs:

  • For files that are comprised of more than a single block, the Type field will be set to File, the filesize field will be set to the total number of bytes in the files, and blocksizes will contain a list of the filesizes of each child node.

  • For files comprised of a single block, the Type field will be set to File, filesize will be set to the total number of bytes in the file, and file data will be stored in the Data field.

UnixFS also supports two optional metadata format fields:

  • mode - used for persisting the file permissions in numeric notation (opens new window). If unspecified, this field defaults to 0755 for directories/HAMT shards and 0644 for all the other types where applicable.

  • mtime - is a two-element structure (Seconds, FractionalNanoseconds) representing the modification time in seconds relative to the Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.

# Importer

Importing a file into UnixFS is split into two processes. A chunking function and a layout function. You can test these features using the IPFS DAG builder (opens new window)

# Chunking

When an object is added to IPFS, it is chunked up into smaller parts, each part is hashed, and a CID is created for each chunk. This DAG building process has two main parameters, the leaf format and the chunking strategy.

The leaf format takes two format options, UnixFS leaves and raw leaves:

  • The Unixfs leaves format adds a data wrapper on newly added objects to produce UnixFS leaves with additional data sizes. This wrapper is used to determine whether newly added objects are files or directories.

  • The raw leaves format is the default format on IPFS where nodes output from chunking will be raw data from the file with a CID type of 'raw'. This is mainly configured for backward compatibility with formats that used a Unixfs Data object.

The chunking strategy is used to determine the size options available during the chunking process. The strategy currently has two different options, 'fixed size' and 'rabin'.

  • Fixed sizing will chunk the input data into pieces of a given size. This could be 512 bytes, 1024 bytes, and more—the smaller the byte size, the better the deduplication of data.

  • Rabin chunking will chunk the input data using Rabin fingerprinting to determine the boundaries between chunks. Rabin also reduces the number of input data chunked nodes.

# Layout

The layout defines the shape of the tree that gets built from the chunks of the input file.

There are currently two options for layout, balanced and trickle. Additionally, a max-width must be specified. The default max width is 174.

The balanced layout creates a balanced tree of width max-width. The tree is formed by taking up to max-width chunks from the chunk stream and creating a UnixFS file node that links to all of them. This is repeated until max-width UnixFS file nodes are created, at which point a UnixFS file node is created to hold all of those nodes recursively. The root node of the resultant tree is returned as the handle to the newly imported file.

If there is only a single chunk, no intermediate UnixFS file nodes are created, and the single chunk is returned as the handle to the file.

# Exporter

To export or read the file data out of the UnixFS graph, perform an in-order traversal, emitting the data contained in each of the leaves.

# Further resources

You can find additional resources to familiarize with these file systems at: